
他聽到樹林中的鴿子咕咕和蜜蜂嗡嗡,忘懷那些無用的抗議和長久以來的不滿(line 1-5)。葉慈有什麼不滿的呢?

古代的愛爾蘭王登基之地(tara)已經被推翻,而新的平凡取而代之、喧嘩吵鬧,這個景況只有它自己開心(line 6-9)。葉慈不滿的是中產階級的平凡與庸俗,而古代經典的榮耀已經逝去了。但,在七個樹林中,他終於忘卻那些不滿。

他很滿足,因為他知道寧靜到處漫遊大笑、吃掉她的心(line 10-11)。好吧,到這邊我就不懂了,這個寧靜到底代表的是什麼呢?她又為什麼要吃掉自己的心?我的解讀是,也許這片樹林是屬於寧靜的地盤。

正當同時,偉大的弓箭手伺機出擊,他把雲霧箭筒掛在小野牛樹林上(line 12-14)。跟上段的寧靜合在一起看,就可以推論出這個弓箭手就是大自然,他的雲霧箭筒就是快下雨的壞天氣。




In the Seven Woods

by William Butler Yeats


I have heard the pigeons of the Seven Woods

Make their faint thunder, and the garden bees

Hum in the lime-tree flowers; and put away

The unavailing outcries and the old bitterness

That empty the heart. I have forgot awhile

Tara uprooted, and new commonness

Upon the throne and crying about the streets

And hanging its paper flowers from post to post,

Because it is alone of all things happy.

I am contented, for I know that Quiet

Wanders laughing and eating her wild heart

Among pigeons and bees, while that Great Archer,

Who but awaits His hour to shoot, still hangs

A cloudy quiver over Pairc-na-lee.







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