葉慈也是個愛好大自然的人,所以也許可以解讀成,這首詩寫的就是他自己。 他形容世俗的靡靡之音是憂鬱的(line 1),當他不想聽的時候,就逃避到山林間、泉水旁(line 3-4)。
我特別喜歡接下來的意象,”Plunges in a pool all bubbling with its shock” (line 6) (跳進一塘水中,震盪後全部都變成泡泡) 但是,問題是,到底是什麼跳進水中了?本來以為是葉慈自己跳到水裡去游泳,多看了幾次才找到,應該是第4行的fountain(泉水)注入了池塘中。
也許不是真的有林妖,而是詩人自己腦子裡想的還是那些東西:誰誰結婚了…(也許是他愛的Maud Gonne),誰誰外遇了…(還穿著香奈兒套裝)。你心裡是什麼,聽到看到的就都是什麼,逃到哪都沒用。
The Priest of Pan
by W. B. Yeats
If the melancholy music of the spheres
Ever be perplexing to his mortal ears,
He files unto the mountain
And sitting by some fountain
That in a beam of coolness from a mossy rock
Plunges in a pool all bubbling with its shock,
There he hears in the sound of the water falling
The sweet-tongued oriads to each other calling
Secrets that for years
Have escaped his ears.