

(line 2-3)”…there is no place to my mind”的用法挺特別,google了一下似乎只有葉大師這麼用,通常no place to後面都是放動詞,這邊卻是用名詞。

“No boughs have withered because of the wintry wind,

The boughs have withered because I have told them my dreams.”



(line 9)、種滿蘋果的小島(line 12)、沉睡的國家(line 17),與那愛克特山(Echtge,愛爾蘭名山)裡溪流旁的鳥兒(line 22)。我猜想他想起的這些地方都是愛爾蘭的景色,詩人是在擔心他們獨立的夢想永遠無法實現。

” the sound/ Has made them so happy and hopeless, so deaf and so blind/ With wisdom”。表面上不合理,但卻是真實又動人。


The Withering of the Boughs

by William Butler Yeats


I cried when the moon was murmuring to the birds,

'Let peewit call and curlew cry where they will,

I long for your merry and tender and pitiful words,

For the roads are unending and there is no place to my mind.'

The honey-pale Moon lay low on the sleepy hill

And I fell asleep upon lonely Echtge of streams;

No boughs have withered because of the wintry wind,

The boughs have withered because I have told them my dreams.


I know of the leafy paths that the witches take,

Who come with their crowns of pearl and their spindles of wool,

And their secret smile, out of the depths of the lake;

And of apple islands where the Danaan kind

Wind and unwind their dances when the light grows cool

On the island lawns, their feet where the pale foam gleams;

No boughs have withered because of the wintry wind,

The boughs have withered because I have told them my dreams.


I know of the sleepy country, where swans fly round

Coupled with golden chains and sing as they fly,

A king and a queen are wandering there, and the sound

Has made them so happy and hopeless, so deaf and so blind

With wisdom, they wander till all the years have gone by;

I know, and the curlew and peewit on Echtge of streams;

No boughs have withered because of the wintry wind,

The boughs have withered because I have told them my dreams.





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