



在我的想像中,這對戀人應該是去了長灘島度假,而且是在熱戀期。他們遠離喧囂,在樹下乘涼(第三段)。想像著他們的愛變成了星辰般永恆(our love grows an Indian star)、一顆燃燒的星/心(A meteor of the burning heart)。




比起這首強說愁的情詩,我想我還是比較喜歡Robert Herrick’s “Gather ye rosebuds while ye may” (有花堪折直須折)的心境。



The Indian to His Love

by William Butler Yeats


The island dreams under the dawn

And great boughs drop tranquillity;

The peahens dance on a smooth lawn,

A parrot sways upon a tree,

Raging at his own image in the enamelled sea.


Here we will moor our lonely ship

And wander ever with woven hands,

Murmuring softly lip to lip,

Along the grass, along the sands,

Murmuring how far away are the unquiet lands:


How we alone of mortals are

Hid under quiet boughs apart,

While our love grows an Indian star,

A meteor of the burning heart,

One with the tide that gleams, the wings that gleam and dart,


The heavy boughs, the burnished dove

That moans and sighs a hundred days:

How when we die our shades will rove,

When eve has hushed the feathered ways,

With vapoury footsole by the water's drowsy blaze.







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